
TOP 7 Vitamins To Help You Stop Losing Your Hair


TOP 7 Vitamins To Help You Stop Losing Your Hair

It keeps happening, there seems to be more hair in your brush, down the drain and spread out on the floor, and you say to yourself, Why me? While you normally attribute your hair loss to things like climate, shampoo, pollutants, heat treatments, whatever it may be. The real reason is right in front of you, and it’s your diet. When it comes to our health and well-being, vitamin supplements are essential. Your body needs nutrients and a lot of them to function properly. And if hair loss is a big issue for you, it’s useful to be aware of what vitamins help prevent thinning and loss of hair.

One of the most common causes of hair loss is vitamin deficiency. The addition of vitamins to the already sensitive process of hair care might make it seem like an overwhelming task, but there’s not much to it. Let’s explore how specific vitamin deficiencies might cause hair loss and how to avoid it and take good care of your hair.

#1Vitamin D

One of the most important vitamins for your hair is Vitamin D. Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles and keeps hair strands strong. Symptoms like Fatigue, high blood pressure, mood swings, and persistent pain are just signs of a deficiency. Salmon, cod liver oil, milk, eggs, beef liver, almonds, soy, mushrooms, tuna fish, cheese, and trout are among the best foods to eat for vitamin D. Additionally, ensure that you get adequate sun while exercising. Also, did you know the optimal time to get your daily dose of vitamin D is between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm when you take a 15-minute stroll? Make sure to go for walks often for exercise and your daily vitamin D intake. This essential vitamin helps to stimulate your hair follicles and maintain thick, healthy strands. Its shortage may result in hair loss because Keratinocyte development and differentiation are impacted by vitamin D.

#2Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Make sure you find the correct balance of vitamin A. A lack of or too much vitamin A can result in hair loss. Too much vitamin A can lead to high levels of toxicity in the body. Natural sources of Vitamin A include dark green leafy vegetables, such as chard, spinach, and amaranth (red or green), sweet potatoes with orange flesh, carrots, squashes/pumpkins, yellow corn, mangoes, papayas, eggs, or dairy products. If you think you are vitamin A deficient, watch for symptoms like dry eyes, infertility, dry skin, and diarrhea. Try including more vitamin A-rich foods in your diet, or try supplements, and you’ll notice increased hair growth.

#3Vitamin B7


Another essential vitamin is B7. The skin and hair vitamin biotin, often known as vitamin B7, is super important for hair health. The latest craze among customers seeking longer, healthier hair and nails is biotin. Since biotin is present in many meals, biotin deficiencies are rather uncommon. The role of biotin in the formation of keratin and, more specifically, in the process of protein synthesis explains how it aids in the development of strong nails and hair. Numerous foods naturally contain biotins like nuts, legumes, whole grains, unpolished rice, and egg yolks. The Institute of Medicine’s most recent recommendations for biotin suggest that an adult’s daily adequate intake should be 30 g/day.

#4Vitamin E

Vitamin E

This vitamin functions as an antioxidant. It aids in preventing cell damage, is found in many foods, and is fat-soluble. The body can also store vitamin E for future use; this is useful as a good amount of vitamin E in the body helps minimize oxidative stress on the scalp. It can also enhance blood circulation, which can promote hair growth. Studies indicate a correlation between oxidative stress and alopecia. Patients with alopecia typically display reduced antioxidant levels and a greater lipid peroxidation index in the scalp region. For 50 years, vitamin E has been used to protect skin from aging and sun damage. It’s produced by plants and must be consumed through the diet. Nuts, spinach, whole grains, olive oil, and sunflower oil are the richest sources.

#5Vitamin F

Vitamin F

Omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids are the building blocks of vitamin F. Vitamin F aids in maintaining a healthy scalp and prevents hair from losing moisture. This ensures that each hair strand remains moisturized. Vitamin F can also provide protection against UV radiation and air pollution, because vitamin F helps repair the lipid barrier and prevent flaking, it is good for dry hair. Vitamin F is frequently derived from safflower oil. In addition to helping to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and promote fetal growth in pregnant women, vitamin F is essential to a healthy diet. Even though this deficiency is rare, it can lead to other concerns, such as dry skin, delayed wound healing, ulcers, and visual impairments. You can find abundant vitamin F in soybean oil, walnuts, almonds, corn oil, pecans, olive oil, salmon, and eggs, among other foods.

#6Do not underestimate the potential of Zinc


Zinc is essential for hair tissue growth and repair. It keeps the oil glands surrounding the follicles functioning, because zinc is a trace element, the body cannot produce zinc on its own. This implies zinc lack is pervasive among the people who consume a considerable amount of cereal grains, newborns who are on milk formula, and those with eating disorders. Zinc helps balance hormone levels, which is one reason why it can aid in preventing hair loss. Zinc is also necessary for DNA and RNA synthesis because it promotes rapid hair follicle growth and stabilizes cell proliferation. Include wheat germ, oysters, steak, pumpkin seeds, and soy products in your diet to maintain appropriate zinc levels.



The most common nourishing lack on the world, iron inadequacy, is a well-known contributor to hair loss. The body needs iron to produce hemoglobin. Your body will only be able to transport oxygen to your important organs if you don’t have enough iron in your system. Meaning your hair won’t receive enough nutrients to grow in the absence of your hair follicles, and it might begin to drop out. Why some hair loss sufferers have low iron levels is a mystery to doctors. However, they are aware that iron plays a crucial role in the ribonucleotide reductase enzyme, which boost cell development by allowing DNA synthesis in every living cell. A painful tongue, exhaustion, and shortness of breath are a few symptoms of an iron shortage. By consuming more iron-rich foods like meat, fish, and leafy greens, you can increase your intake of the mineral. An iron supplement is an additional option.


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