
9 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Salt


Are you consuming excessive amounts of salt? This article highlights 9 signs that indicate you may be eating too much salt and provides insights on how to reduce your intake for better health.

9 Subtle signs indicating excessive salt intake

The typical American consumes about 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day. This is more than double the recommended limit set by the U.S. Department of Health. High levels of salt can increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. If you are already suffering from high blood pressure, an excessive intake of sodium can further deteriorate your condition.

In this article, we’re going to be talking about some signs that you might be eating too much salt. Before we proceed, please note that everything mentioned in this article is unbiased, fact-checked, and reviewed by qualified health professionals. With that said, let’s jump in and talk about nine signs you’re eating more salt than you should.

1. Being highly thirsty all the time

The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining a balance between fluids and electrolytes, helping regulate the body’s sodium levels. When you eat too much salt, especially from processed foods, it causes more fluid retention in the body. This makes it harder for your kidneys to keep up with their job, leading to increased thirst.

A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Diabetes revealed that people who eat an excessive amount of salt tend to drink more water. Consumers who maintained a sodium intake between 1,200 and 2,500 milligrams per day were observed to consume approximately 1.4 cups more water per day than those who consumed less than 1,200 milligrams. Many people who consume too much salt also experience dry mouth due to water retention, interfering with proper hydration.

2. Frequent headaches

A headache is one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor. When you eat too much salt, your body retains fluids to dilute it. If the excess fluid doesn’t leave your body through urination or sweating, it could end up in your brain, causing swelling inside your skull and leading to headaches.

Aside from dehydration, low blood sugar can also be a reason for headaches when consuming too much sodium. This is because high sodium levels raise blood pressure and increase insulin production, potentially leading to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.

3. Craving salty foods even more

Many people crave salt when they eat too many processed foods. If you find yourself having an insatiable desire for chips, pretzels, or other salty snacks, it may indicate excessive sodium intake. Consuming too much salt can overstimulate taste buds, leading to a preference for salty foods and decreased ability to taste other flavors over time.

4. Appearing more swollen and puffy than usual

Excessive salt consumption can lead to water retention, causing the kidneys to struggle in eliminating excess sodium. This can result in tissues becoming bloated and swollen, leading to the appearance of puffiness. Swelling can occur in various parts of the body, such as hands, feet, ankles, and face.

It’s important to note that not everyone experiences this symptom when they eat too much salt, and the swelling is likely temporary, eventually being flushed out of the system through urination or sweating.

5. Feeling bloated

Consuming foods high in salt, especially processed meats or canned soups, can lead to bloating. The body retains water to flush out the extra sodium, contributing to the feeling of being bloated. Excessive salt intake can also contribute to gastrointestinal issues like constipation, further exacerbating bloating and discomfort.

High salt intake can cause changes in the gut microbiome and decrease the production of digestive enzymes, leading to digestive problems such as gas and bloating.

6. May cause high blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common chronic health condition, affecting nearly one in three adults in the U.S. Eating too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure by drawing water into the body’s cells, causing them to swell. This triggers the release of hormones that make blood vessels contract, increasing blood pressure and making the heart work harder.

Reducing sodium intake can help manage high blood pressure, lowering the risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney disease. Even a small reduction in daily intake can have a significant impact on blood pressure.

7. Frequent urination

Excess salt in the body can lead to more frequent urination, as the kidneys work harder to remove excess salt from the blood. The retained water in the body causes an increase in urine output. However, excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks or alcohol can also contribute to frequent urination by dehydrating the body.

It’s crucial to balance salt intake with proper hydration, ensuring that you drink enough fluids to maintain a healthy fluid balance in the body.

8. May cause a decrease in brain function

Studies have shown that eating too much salt can decrease brain function by causing swelling in the brain’s blood vessels. This leads to decreased blood flow to certain areas of the brain, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, and headaches. Short-term high sodium intake can impair working memory performance, as demonstrated in a study involving healthy adults.

9. Kidney problems

Chronic kidney disease, characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function, can be caused by various factors, including high salt intake. When you consume too much sodium, the kidneys work harder to eliminate the excess fluid by increasing urine output. However, prolonged excessive salt intake can contribute to kidney disease and even kidney failure, leading to serious complications such as fluid retention, heart failure, high blood pressure, and kidney stones.

To mitigate the effects of eating too much salt, consider drinking more water to flush out excess sodium. Additionally, include potassium-rich foods in your diet, such as bananas, oranges, and tomato juice, as they help prevent sodium retention and reduce blood pressure.

Remember, not all salt is bad, as sodium is an essential nutrient that helps regulate water levels in the body. However, it’s crucial to monitor and control your intake, especially from processed foods and restaurant meals.

If you experience symptoms of high salt intake, consult with your doctor or a nutritionist to determine the right amount of sodium for your daily needs. Some individuals may require higher sodium concentrations due to specific conditions or occupational requirements. Nonetheless, excessive salt consumption can lead to various health issues, including high cholesterol levels, making it essential to strike a balance in your sodium intake.


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