
13 Foods that Clean Arteries Naturally and prevent Heart Attack


Would you like to have your blood vessels cleaned? How about reducing your chances of having a heart attack in the future? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and can be life-threatening if not treated properly.

Luckily, heart disease can be prevented by eating certain foods that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to prevent plaque from building up on the artery walls and making it harder for your heart to pump blood around your body. Here are the 13 foods that are best for preventing heart attacks.

1. Olive Oil

Health benefits of Olive Oil

Olive oil is an important food to consume in order to maintain a healthy heart. Olive oil, in particular, contains the highest levels of potent antioxidants known as POLYPHENOLS, which have been shown to have the ability to reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Research published in Cardiovascular Therapeutics found that LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS (Bad) cholesterol is reduced by over 15% after consuming this type of fat for just one month.

2. Citrus Fruits

Health benefits of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, contain antioxidants that can lower LDL cholesterol levels and aid fat metabolism. By consuming citrus fruits, you will be able to prevent clogged arteries. The same benefits are found in apples, pears, and strawberries. Citrus fruits are also high in fiber, and studies show that people who eat diets high in fiber are not as prone to heart disease and have less plaque buildup in their arteries.

3. Tomatoes

Health benefits of tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant and may help lower blood pressure and the risk of coronary artery disease. Tomato juice contains one or two servings of vegetables, providing vitamin C as well as folate, potassium, and other nutrients. A glass of tomato juice also provides about 20% of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin A.

4. Green Tea

Health benefits of green Tea

Considered one of the healthiest beverages in the world, green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants and nutrients that can help protect your body against many diseases. When it comes to preventing heart attacks, its active ingredient, EPIGALLOCATECHIN GALLATE (EGCG), can help by preventing the formation of blood clots in arteries. Studies have shown that EGCG may be effective in helping reduce high cholesterol levels as well as preventing arterial inflammation, which can lead to atherosclerosis and heart disease. In fact, EGCG has been found to be more effective than aspirin at preventing clotting!

5. Fish

Health benefits of fish

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, anchovies, and halibut are just some of the types of fish that can be consumed. It is important to cook fish until it is flaky before eating it because raw fish may contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

6. Cinnamon

Health benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is beneficial to your heart health because it contains antioxidants, which fight against free radicals that cause inflammation and damage. Antioxidants may also help prevent blood clots from forming that lead to heart attacks. There is also evidence that cinnamon could lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your blood. This can reduce your risk of developing atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. And this natural spice can be used in cooking as well! To get the most benefits out of cinnamon, you should use 1-2 teaspoons per day. But make sure you don’t add it to anything hot, or else you’ll lose some of its health benefits.

7. Nuts and Seeds

Health benefits of Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds are among the top foods that can help prevent heart attacks. They are not only high in protein but also contain plenty of monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, manganese, copper, and zinc. In addition to that, they can boost your immune system and give you long-lasting energy. Nuts are an excellent source of healthy fat that is essential for the body.

The combination of omega-3 fatty acids from walnuts, almonds, cashews, and other nuts helps lower cholesterol levels. Flaxseeds are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids, lignans, and plant sterols that have been shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 27%. So next time you feel like having a snack, don’t reach for anything with empty calories; instead, pick up some nuts or seeds.

8. Oatmeal

Health benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels. As such, oatmeal can help prevent the buildup of plaque in arteries and heart attacks. A healthy cereal option, oatmeal is a great way to start your day and ward off risk factors that could lead to future cardiac problems.

9. Berries

Health benefits of berries

Berries are the most-researched group of plant foods for their ability to promote heart health. Studies show that eating just two servings of blueberries or strawberries each day may decrease your chances of having a heart attack by up to 40% over a 10-year period. The more you consume, the greater the potential benefits. So go ahead and enjoy these delicious berries on top of yogurt, oatmeal, fruit salad, and other dishes.

10. Dark Chocolate

Health benefits of Dark Chocolate

One food that is great for your heart and can also help to lower cholesterol levels is dark chocolate. While not everyone loves this type of treat, it can be something you should consider in order to help reduce your risk of a heart attack. In fact, in one study done by the American Chemical Society, scientists found that people who consumed high-cocoa flavanols saw improvements in blood flow throughout their bodies. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which are known to protect against damage from free radicals that are known to contribute to cardiovascular disease.

11. Avocado

Health benefits of avocado

There’s an omega-3 fatty acid in an avocado that not only lowers cholesterol but also decreases inflammation, which means it’s perfect for your heart. Not only does it have vitamin E which protects the cholesterol from being oxidized or damaged, but this is one of the foods that prevent heart attacks. Additionally, avocados are rich in nutrients such as fiber and potassium. A medium avocado has around 240 calories and contains 20% of the recommended daily intake of fiber. A serving size is 1/2 cup of diced fruit. One thing to keep in mind when including avocados in your diet is that they contain more carbs than most fruits, so if you’re watching your carb intake, make sure to account for them accordingly.

12. Pomegranates

Health benefits of Pomegranates

Pomegranates are packed with polyphenols, particularly one called ellagic acid, which has been shown to help prevent heart disease. Pomegranates have also been found to lower blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of stroke and act as antioxidants. A typical serving size is about a half cup of fresh juice. If you don’t want to juice it yourself, you can buy pomegranate-based fruit drinks at the grocery store or online.

13. Garlic

Health benefits of garlic

The herb garlic is one of the most popular spices people use to enhance their food. Furthermore, garlic has many health benefits, such as reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, preventing blood clots, and treating infections. It may even prevent heart attacks. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that those who consumed more than four cloves per day were able to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease by over 30%. Garlic can be used in stir-fries, sauces, soups, salads, and much more!


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