
Vitamin D is The happiness Vitamin (and you need it more than ever)


Vitamin D is often referred to as the "happiness vitamin" due to its crucial role in mood regulation. With the current circumstances, it is important now more than ever to ensure you are getting enough Vitamin D. Learn why it is important and how to incorporate it into your daily routine for better mental health.

The question arises as to whether we should take more vitamin D, also known as the “happiness vitamin” because it is produced in the skin in response to sunlight, during our confinement. It is true that, in this social isolation, that vitamin is not being generated as before. What does this mean? How do I recover it? Is it really necessary? First of all, it’s important to know that getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for the normal growth and development of our bones and teeth, as well as for improving resistance against certain diseases that can affect different stages of our lives.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for bone growth. Some studies show that without enough vitamin D, our bones can become thin, brittle, or deformed, and in the long term, we may be more prone to osteoporosis. In some European countries, this vitamin is commonly ingested through dietary supplements due to limited sunlight exposure during the fall and winter. The current situation has led us to ask, how much vitamin D do I need? Should I expose myself to sunlight? Well, these are some basic considerations about vitamin D and its effect on our health.

Why is vitamin D important for my body?

Vitamin D acts as a hormone with multiple functions in the body, and the most important is bone health—although it also has other functions in the body such as cell growth and reducing inflammation. According to medical studies from the Journal of Internal Medicine in Norway, vitamin D could play a significant role in mood regulation and may prevent or help combat depression. Consuming it through natural foods in necessary quantities should be an essential part of our daily lives.

According to studies, vitamin D could play an important role in mood regulation.

Caution is necessary because taking high doses of vitamin D for long periods could weaken your bones.

Where can I find vitamin D?

It is known that the primary source of vitamin D for our bodies comes directly from sunlight. But what happens now that we are at home – that doesn’t mean that such radiations do not filter through the windows? There are various foods that contain vitamin D, for example, fortified cereals, salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, fortified milk, and orange juice. A balanced consumption of these will be sufficient to replenish the missing amount.

How much vitamin D do I need?

It’s important to clarify that you don’t need vitamin D in your diet every day, as taking high doses for long periods could weaken your bones. In reality, most people should get vitamin D through a varied and balanced diet, and of course, by getting some sun. During confinement, even if you think you are not exposed to sunlight, it filters through our windows. However, sun exposure through our windows for a few minutes a day does not harm us – of course, always using sunscreen. On the other hand, you can consume small amounts of vitamin D supplements under your doctor’s prescription.

Consuming vitamin D through natural foods in necessary quantities should be an essential part of our daily lives.

What are the benefits of consuming vitamin D?

In various countries, citizens have been encouraged to take vitamin D supplements. For example, according to the BBC, the Public Health Service of Great Britain is concerned that people may be losing vitamin D due to confinement and the country’s weather. Vitamin D is important for healthy teeth, bones, and muscles, and its deficiency can result in bone deformities. Vitamin D supplements are available in supermarkets and pharmacies, but it is advisable to always consult with a specialist before taking any of these. Some studies also suggest that vitamin D could help prevent certain types of cancer and, of course, osteoporosis. People who receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D and calcium in their diets can delay bone mineral loss and reduce the risk of bone fractures.


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