
The Unique Benefits of Zinc Carnosine


Zinc carnosine is a natural supplement that offers a variety of unique healing benefits. From supporting digestive health to boosting immune function, discover eight reasons why zinc carnosine may be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.

Today, we will delve into the distinctive benefits of zinc carnosine, a supplement known for its unique health advantages. As you may already know, zinc plays a crucial role in supporting cell growth and multiplication in the body, particularly during childhood, pregnancy, and throughout life. Its involvement is also essential in the formation of DNA.

Zinc carnosine, the focus of our discussion, is a combination of the mineral zinc and a dipeptide called carnosine. This unique pairing facilitates the absorption of zinc within the supplement and its gradual delivery to tissues. This slow and extended release mechanism aids in tissue healing and regeneration, showcasing the supplement’s distinctive properties.

The article aims to shed light on the specific health benefits attributed to the consumption of zinc carnosine. It is important to note that this information is provided for educational purposes only, and individuals with medical concerns are encouraged to consult their doctors.

Healing Stomach Ulcers (and Acid Reflux)

One of the main uses for zinc carnosine is healing stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, and gastritis. Zinc carnosine has been used for over 30 years in Japan and South Korea as a medical prescription for treating stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers). This combination helps to heal and restore the cells that line your stomach, including the protective mucus barrier around them (Mucousa). It also helps to destroy H-pylori, a bacteria that drills holes into the stomach lining. A standard dosage is 150mg of zinc carnosine daily. This also helps to normalize acid production in the stomach and reverse damage from acid reflux and GERD.

Restoring Taste & Smell

Benefit number 2 of this supplement is restoring your sense of taste or smell. Your body uses zinc to send signals to your brain from your taste buds and nose, so you can perceive different smells and tastes. If you’ve lost these senses after having some type of infection or chemotherapy treatment, zinc carnosine can help to restore the function of these senses by supporting the taste buds and olfactory cells behind the nose. It works by slowly repairing the tissues in these areas and boosting neurotransmitters that send signals to the brain.

Reversing Leaky Gut (Tight Junctions)

The next benefit on this list is reversing leaky gut due to the modern lifestyle of eating lots of sugar, grains, and vegetable oil. Many people suffer from “leaky gut,” a situation where the cells in your intestines become loose and allow toxins from your stool to slip through into your blood. This triggers autoimmune diseases like arthritis, psoriasis, celiac disease, Crohn’s, and hypothyroidism. It can also trigger allergies. Taking zinc carnosine and cleaning up your diet can help to reduce inflammation in the gut and tighten the cell wall (tight junctions).

Liver Health

Zinc, in particular, is also good for your liver, improving liver health. If you are overweight around your belly area, it’s likely that you have a build-up of fat in your liver. This liver fat can block your body from absorbing zinc and other minerals like selenium, calcium, and magnesium. Taking a zinc supplement from zinc carnosine or zinc glycinate can help to improve liver health by boosting antioxidant activity, keeping your blood clean and free of toxins. It’s sometimes used to help treat acetaminophen poisoning, for example.

Pressure Ulcers (Bedsores)

Pressure ulcers (bedsores) occur when the skin becomes wedged between bone and a surface such as a mattress or chair. This cuts off blood flow to the area, causing the skin to break down and form a pressure ulcer. Zinc carnosine helps to heal bed sores quickly by helping the protein in your skin to divide and build new tissues.

Immune Boosting (Thymus Support)

A zinc deficiency can lead to higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that can weaken your immune system if it’s too high. Taking zinc in the form of zinc carnosine or other forms can help to lower cortisol, preventing your thymus gland from shrinking. The thymus gland trains your T-cells to fight off viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous pathogens.

Improving Exercise Performance

When you take zinc carnosine, your body can use the carnosine to help your muscles recover faster after exercise. It does this by buffering the pH inside the muscle and neutralizing hydrogen ions that are being created as you work out. The zinc ingredient also helps your muscles burn glucose properly, so that the muscle cells can produce a steady flow of energy, keeping you energetic as you train. In addition, zinc is also important for keeping testosterone levels normal in both men and women, a hormone that plays a role in muscle building and recovery.

Other Benefits of Zinc Carnosine

There are also some other health benefits to be had when taking zinc carnosine as a supplement:

  • Prevent Shortness Of Breath (Dyspnea): The zinc can help support the lungs and prevent shortness of breath.
  • Healthy Eyes (Retina & Lubrication): Zinc also works with Vitamin A to keep your vision clear and your eyes healthy.
  • Anti-Diabetes (Reduced Glycation): The carnosine also protects against glycation, preventing your blood from becoming sticky and causing diabetes or insulin resistance.
  • Pancreas Health (Enzyme Release): Zinc from this supplement also supports the exocrine part of your pancreas, in making and releasing digestive enzymes that break down your food.

Using Zinc Carnosine

Zinc carnosine comes under some different names in the health food store, including zinc carnosine, Zinc L-carnosine, polaprezinc, or PepZin GI™. You can take this on a daily basis long term, as it’s well-tolerated and a great way to boost your zinc intake. It’s best to take 75mg 2x per day, giving you a total of 150mg per day. This includes roughly 37.5mg of zinc and 112.5mg of carnosine. It’s very important not to take more than 40mg of zinc per day unless you are also supplementing with copper, as too much zinc can deplete your copper reserves.

Other Forms Of Zinc

There are different formulations of zinc on the market, some are manufactured cheaply and are lower quality. I would recommend AVOIDING Zinc gluconate, sulfate, acetate, or oxide as these are all very difficult to digest and may cause nausea. Zinc glycinate (bisglycinate) is an excellent choice to boost your zinc levels and overcome zinc deficiencies. Other good sources of zinc include citrate, picolinate, orotate, and Monomethionine.


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