
The 10 Best vitamins and supplements to strengthen your immune system


Seasonal changes, as well as sudden temperature shifts, make us more prone to catching colds. However, this can be an indicator that our defenses are low, as a healthy lifestyle alone is not enough if our daily lives are marked by stress. An effective remedy to strengthen the body is vitamins and supplements for the immune system. If you want to benefit from them, keep reading as we explain which ones are the most important.

best vitamins and supplements to strengthen your immune system

Importance of Vitamins in the Immune System

The immune system consists of cells, tissues, and organs that collectively form the defenses of our body. When a virus or bacteria enters our body, the immune system fights against the infection or disease symptoms.

When the immune system is weak, we are not only more vulnerable to diseases and pathogens, but the body also has a harder time fighting and recovering. People with autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis, experience more severe symptoms and extended recovery times.

Even when enjoying good health, factors like stress and anxiety can, in the long run, damage our immune system, making us more susceptible to illness.

To strengthen it, one must start with a healthy lifestyle, including a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. In addition to these tips, it’s interesting to consider vitamin and mineral supplements from time to time, as some may be lacking in our diet without us knowing. Especially during seasonal changes, they are an excellent way to prevent common colds.

7 Vitamins to strengthen the immune system

Vitamin A

It has the characteristic of affecting specific parts of the immune system. Vitamin A is crucial for the immune system as it stimulates the production and activity of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells. Lymphocytes attack invading agents and help the body produce proteins called antibodies, which will keep future infections at bay.

Good sources of vitamin A for your immune system include dairy products, broccoli, eggs, and kale.

Vitamin C

The “first line of defense” against germs and infections is the linings of the nose, intestines, and lungs, where collagen plays an important role. Vitamin C is essential for synthesizing collagen. Without it, the body cannot produce collagen, and these linings need vitamin C to stay in shape.

It also helps the immune system respond to viruses and infections by increasing the production of white blood cells, enzymes, and antibodies. Vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which are crucial for limiting damage caused by radicals released during an immune response.

Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, kiwis, berries, peppers, and spinach.

Vitamin E

It is a powerful antioxidant that acts on cells, strengthening cell walls. The fortification boosts the performance of T lymphocytes, which serve as the immune system’s “soldiers,” and concurrently diminishes inflammation.

When a T lymphocyte identifies a pathogen, it divides repeatedly until reaching a number capable of defeating the invader. However, this response does not work properly in the presence of oxidative stress, such as that caused by smoking, mental stress, and an inadequate diet.

Good sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for the immune system. It activates T lymphocytes when needed during an infection but prevents them from overreacting. It also regulates the production of cytokines.

Some sources of vitamin D for our immune system include fish oils and eggs.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

It is vital for the health of red blood cells, which also play a fundamental role in the immune system’s functioning. Additionally, it has antioxidant effects, strengthening the system.

Sources of vitamin B2 include lean meats, eggs, and green vegetables.

Vitamin B6

The body uses it in the production of immune cells and increases the number of antibodies against infection. It also serves as a communication channel between cytokines and chemokines, two signaling proteins that the immune system uses when an invader appears.

There are many foods that contain vitamin B6, such as meat, fish, bananas, potatoes, and tofu.

Vitamin B9: Folic Acid

It is very beneficial for the immune system, especially in aging. The production of T lymphocytes decreases with age, and this decrease can be mitigated with vitamin B9.

Some sources of folic acid include eggs (the yolk), liver and other organs, fruits such as melon, apricot, and avocado, and legumes.

3 Supplements to Support the Immune System

As you have seen, vitamins are crucial for the immune system and its proper functioning. That’s why you should ensure that you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Here are the top 3 supplements to support your immune system:

1. Selenium

The lack of the mineral selenium is associated with poor immune function. Studies show that people with low selenium levels have a deficiency of T lymphocytes, resulting in a reduced response to viral infections. Therefore, selenium is a vital supplement for the immune system. It also plays a pivotal role in generating cytokines.

Good sources of selenium include whole grains, meat, and fish.

2. Zinc

When we lack zinc, the immune system is the first to detect this deficiency, increasing the risk of oxidative stress and inflammation.

Zinc is an important supplement for the immune system, particularly crucial in preventing infections with age. It aids in the proper functioning of the thymus gland, where T lymphocytes are produced.

Good sources of zinc include seafood, pork, and beans.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The most important Omega-3 fatty acids for the immune system are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). They help reduce inflammation and facilitate healing after the immune system has neutralized viruses.

Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish and seafood. For vegans, algae are a suitable alternative.

Additional Supplements


Echinacea is a medicinal plant used by Native Americans to treat snake bites, arthritis, rheumatism, and more. It is currently one of the most effective remedies against flu, colds, herpes, inflammatory processes, and wounds. Echinacea is a potent immune system stimulator, making it effective against various microorganisms. Different types of echinacea, such as Echinacea pallida, E. angustifolia, and E. purpurea, are used in pharmacy or herbal preparations. It is ideal for preventive use, except for individuals with autoimmune diseases who should avoid echinacea.

Royal Jelly

Although the direct impact of royal jelly on the immune system is not proven, it contains a high concentration of nutrients, B-group vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, it includes organic components such as royalactin and flavonoids, providing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neurotropic, and anti-aging properties. Royal jelly is recommended for convalescence, physical and mental exertion, tissue regeneration, wound healing, and infections caused by resistant bacteria.


Reishi, scientifically known as Ganoderma lucidum, is a fungus originating from China with over 4,000 years of history. Its properties are attributed to a high quantity of nutrients and active principles like beta-glucans. Reishi has the ability to stimulate the immune system, making it one of the most effective natural remedies with scientific backing. Its specific properties include immune system regulation through T cells, anti-allergic and antihistaminic effects, tonification of the nervous system, and combating viral and bacterial infections.

Medications to Boost the Immune System

If you want to start taking all or some of the mentioned supplements and vitamins, you can go to any pharmacy or herbal store and purchase any of those available in the market.

Some vitamin complexes are specifically focused on the immune system, while others are oriented towards physical and mental performance or memory and concentration.

Another alternative is to consider the latter ones we have mentioned. While royal jelly is often present in some immune-boosting vitamin supplements, echinacea is usually marketed separately in high concentrations or combined with propolis.

In the case of reishi, it is sold separately or combined with other mushrooms such as shiitake and maitake. For it to be truly effective, it must be pure and from a certified source, as even well-known commercial brands may offer an adulterated product, affecting its properties, or even sell a different mushroom under the same name.

How to Strengthen the Immune System Quickly?

Miracles for rapidly improving health don’t exist, as consistency is necessary to see results, especially for a weakened immune system.

If you want to stop getting sick every time the temperatures change abruptly and wish to feel more vitality, vitamin complexes and supplements are not the only solution. In fact, these should be consumed occasionally, as they are not substitutes for proper nutrition. Additionally, very high amounts of vitamins can also harm health.

To quickly and naturally strengthen the immune system, you will need to change or improve your habits. The secret lies in what you have likely heard hundreds of times: a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, with very low or no sugar consumption, avoiding harmful substances like alcohol or tobacco, and preferably minimizing dairy and meat intake or consuming them in very small quantities. Both dairy and meat contain hormones and antibiotics that are far from beneficial to our health.

Besides the above, obtaining good night’s rest, exercising regularly, and avoiding stress as much as possible are crucial. Mindfulness or breathing techniques can help you regain calmness in tense moments, but if you cannot achieve it, psychological therapy may be necessary or consider making lifestyle changes as much as possible.

What Is the Best Vitamin for the Immune System?

As mentioned in the previous section, miracles in health and vitamins do not exist. Each vitamin is intended for one or more specific purposes, as seen in the descriptions of the most important ones in previous sections.

While B-group vitamins directly impact the immune system, vitamin C is often used in combination with complexes with minerals because it promotes iron absorption. However, vitamin C can cause stomach irritation when supplements are taken on an empty stomach, so it should be ingested with some food.

In conclusion, to choose the best for your immune system, you can combine everything mentioned: improve habits in nutrition, exercise regularly, leave harmful habits aside, control stress, and occasionally take vitamin complexes and supplements to give the body a boost during times of high demand, such as seasonal changes, periods of intense physical or mental activity, or when health is compromised for various reasons.

And if you want to opt for more specific products like echinacea or reishi, among many others, you can experiment with which one brings about a faster improvement. In any case, always check for possible incompatibilities with certain pathologies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best vitamins and supplements to strengthen the immune system?

The best vitamins and supplements to strengthen the immune system include vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, probiotics, and echinacea. However, it is important to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before starting to take supplements, as individual needs may vary.

How do these vitamins and supplements help improve the immune system?

The mentioned vitamins and supplements have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties that help protect and strengthen the immune system. These nutrients also support the production of immune system cells and enhance their functioning.

How much of these supplements should I take to see effective results?

The amount of supplements to take varies depending on the type of supplement and individual needs. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the product label and consult with a healthcare professional for proper guidance.

Are all brands of vitamins and supplements available on the market safe?

Not all brands of vitamins and supplements are equal in terms of quality and effectiveness. It is crucial to research and choose trustworthy brands with good manufacturing practices. It is also advisable to read reviews and testimonials from other consumers before making a decision.

Can I get these vitamins and minerals through my diet without taking supplements?

Yes, it is possible to obtain most essential vitamins and minerals for the immune system through a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. However, in some cases, supplements may be necessary to address nutritional deficiencies or increase the intake of certain nutrients.


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