
Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)


What really happens to your body when you drink apple cider vinegar at night. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective natural remedies for improving overall health, Especially when you know how to use it properly. Consuming just 2 tablespoons of the liquid before bed can rapidly stabilise your blood sugars, Resulting in higher energy output the following day, a more controlled appetite for dieting and so much more.

In this article we’re going to explore the main benefits of using this healing elixir before bed, and I’ll also show you how to use it properly, with the correct ingredients.

1. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as far back as 5000 BC, as it contains acetic acid. Which helps to preserve foods and keep them fresh (pickling). Modern studies are now showing us that consuming apple cider vinegar with a meal or after eating, Can help to regulate the glycaemic response from the food, by stabilizing insulin levels and helping to control blood sugars. Drinking just 2 tablespoons before you to go bed with water, is an excellent way to control blood sugars, To not only improve sleep, but to improve blood sugar profile for diabetics, prediabetics and those of you who are overweight.

2. Prevents Acid Reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

If you experience a burning sensation in your chest or throat after eating, you may be suffering from acid reflux, Where stomach acid is flicking upwards into your food pipe, causing irritation and pain. This happens when the stomach has become to alkaline (pH 7+) which causes the LES sphincter to remain open, Allowing acid to reflux from the stomach and burn in the inside of your esophagus. Acetic acid from vinegar helps to close this sphincter in order to prevent reflux at night. What’s more, it also supports the release of digestive enzymes and bile to lubricate the digestive system and help eliminate undigested food waste. Try taking 2-4 apple cider vinegar capsules before each meal or drinking the liquid in water for 1-2 weeks+ and notice how your symptoms improve.

3. Naturally Boosts Energy

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

When you drink apple cider vinegar, your body absorbs the acetic acid and converts it into ketones (acetone & butyrate). Ketones work as a fuel or an energy source for the mitochondria in your cells, especially your brain cells, Giving you a natural yet very powerful energy boost. Unlike glucose (sugar), ketones from this vinegar are more easily used by the cells, and produce less free radical damage. Rather than relying on caffeinated drinks like coffee or tea, give this a try instead and you will soon begin noticing higher energy output. Historically apple cider vinegar was taken daily with honey by farmers in Vermont, to maintain high energy levels when working long shifts, well into old age.

4. Improves Hair Growth

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

One of the main reasons that people lose their hair as they get older is due to hormonal imbalances and digestive problems. By controlling your blood sugars, and helping your stomach to digest minerals like zinc, copper and iodine, Apple cider vinegar effectively improves hair growth, and reduces hair loss. It can also be diluted with water and used to shampoo the hair to destroy harmful microbes that cause dandruff, and gives the hair a wonderful shine.

5. Stimulates Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

By lowering the glycaemic response when you eat carbohydrates, apple cider vinegar also supports healthy weight loss. Drinking this before bed, your body is able to burn fat whilst you sleep. You will also notice lesser appetite the following day, because the acetic acid has provided fuel to your cells.
It also helped to deepen autophagy (cellular cleaning) whilst you were sleeping, to make you more energy efficient. By effectively reducing insulin resistance, this golden elixir has provided the key to sustainable weight loss for millions of people around the world, Including myself.

6. Fights Pathogens

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

Apple cider vinegar was used in ancient times to preserve food because it kills bacteria and prevents the food from spoiling. It that it can also help to prevent pathogens and harmful microbes from invading your body and making you ill. Apple cider vinegar has a Ph of 2-3, meaning that it is very acidic which makes it helpful for digestion and destroying pathogens found in food. However, the acidity itself also stimulates white blood cells in your body, Speeding them up and making them more active, so that your immune system can attack and destroy viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus before they can do damage. So if you find yourself under the weather, start drinking apple cider vinegar 2x per day to help kill the infection in your body faster.

7. Helps Build Muscle

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

As women and men get older, especially over 50, the stomach acids become weaker making it harder to digest protein. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein are needed to keep the body strong with age and prevent it from breaking down too quickly. Drinking this mixture before bed, or even before a meal, can help your digestive system absorb and assimilate amino acids, To keep your muscles, teeth, bones, skin, hormones and other proteins all strong and working properly. What’s more, this is also excellent to drink before working out, to stimulate human growth hormone for better muscle gains.

8. Reduces Pain & Inflammation

If you suffer from inflammation, regular aches and pains or arthritis, you may want to try using 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder (organic) in a glass of water before you go to bed. This is a powerful natural pain relief remedy, that’s been used for centuries, and is highly effective. ACV helps your body to absorb curcumin from the turmeric, A substance which has been shown in hundreds of studies to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Drinking this mixture also helps to clean out fatty deposits from your liver, boost glutathione (the master antioxidant) and help strip away unwanted visceral body fat from around your organs.

9. Improves skin quality

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

If you notice that your skin is very dull, unhealthy or rough in appearance This drink may help to improve it. It is recommended to start consuming more foods rich in retinol, the active form of Vitamin A Such as pasture raised eggs, grass fed beef liver, and oily fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel. Drinking just 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar per day will help your body absorb the retinol from these foods to improve the quality of your skin. ACV itself is also high in pectin, a polysaccharide which can improve the health of the skins natural barrier.

10. Improves Gut & Brain Health

Apple Cider Vinegar At NIGHT Benefits (Use This Every Night)

Drinking 2 tablespoons of ACV on a daily/evening basis, supplies ketones that help heal the tight junctions in your gut. This helps to prevent toxins from leaking through your intestinal barrier, in order to reduce inflammation and prevent autoimmune diseases like arthritis. ACV helps to improve the production of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor) which improves the connections between brain cells, and plays a significant role in preventing depression and other mood disorders. Many chemicals used in your central nervous system are made in your gut, so by improving it you can boost serotonin, GABA, dopamine and acetylcholine Effectively improving your memory, concentration, calmness, focus and ability to learn new information.

Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix 2 tablespoons of organic, unpasteurized and undiluted apple cider vinegar in 16 oz of water (500ml) and drink with a straw before bed, Alternatively you can do this before meals. You may also add 1/4 a teaspoon of turmeric powder if you want to reduce pain and inflammation (optional). Check the ingredients list to make sure your chosen brand has NOT been diluted with water, as this will weaken its effects.


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