
9 Signs That You’re Not Drinking Enough Water


Not drinking enough water can lead to various health issues. Here are 9 signs that indicate you may need to increase your water intake, including increased thirst, dry skin, and frequent headaches. Find out more about the importance of staying hydrated.

Our body is roughly 65 to 75 percent water. Like someone wise used to say, we’re basically just cucumbers with anxiety. Maintaining this level of hydration is crucial; it ensures our body’s well-being, supports proper brain function, and generally promotes our overall health. Nevertheless, we lose water daily through activities like sweating, crying, urination, and even bowel movements. If we fail to replenish this lost fluid, dehydration can occur. Our bodies will send signals, telling us, “Hey, it’s time to rehydrate.”

In this article, we will outline these signals for you. So, grab yourself a glass of water, and let’s explore them together.

9. Thirst

Not drinking enough water can have negative effects on your health. Learn about the 9 signs that indicate you may be dehydrated and need to increase your water intake.

At this moment, you might smirk in derision, saying, ‘Oh really, Captain Obvious?’ But hear us when you feel thirsty, you might already be dehydrated. So you shouldn’t only drink water when you’re thirsty. You should make sure you drink at least one to two liters of water daily. Without water, our bodies cannot survive. Water is in our cells, our blood vessels, and in between them. We have a sophisticated water management system that moves the fluid around to areas where they are needed the most.

Moreover, a thirst mechanism triggers automatically when our body is dehydrated. It is important to note that in older adults, dehydration can occur without thirst. More than that, if you are ill or not feeling well, it is crucial you drink enough water. So thirst is mainly a sign of dehydration. Don’t wait to be thirsty; drink water regularly.

8. Fatigue

Not sure if you're drinking enough water? Look out for these 9 signs, including increased thirst, dry mouth, and dark urine, that may indicate you need to up your water intake. Learn more here.

If you don’t drink enough water, you will get tired more easily. Dehydration impacts every aspect of our health, including our sleep. It’s like a vicious cycle. If you don’t drink enough water, you won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will be tired, exhausted, and unable to focus and function normally. A study on more than 26,000 American and Chinese adults found that dehydration is associated with shorter sleep cycles. The people who hydrated adequately slept longer and better than those who didn’t. So if you get tired easily during the day, if you wake up from a night’s sleep and still feel exhausted, you might be dehydrated. A study on 14 male adults found that dehydration can negatively impact stamina and muscle mass. So sip some more of that glass of water you’ve poured yourself just as we began this article.

7. Slow and Poor Digestion

Not drinking enough water can lead to various health issues. Learn about 9 signs that indicate you may be dehydrated and need to prioritize hydration.
Slow and Poor Digestion

If you’re not drinking enough water, your digestion will suffer. You might get cramps and stomach aches as a result. Drinking water after a meal can help with digestion; it breaks down food so that your body can absorb the nutrients and vitamins better. Moreover, you need water to digest that soluble fiber. With the help of water, fiber turns into a gel, making it easy to pass both your small and large intestines. Assimilate lots of water, so if you don’t have enough water in your system, your stool will turn from liquid to rock solid. Research has shown that water helps prevent constipation, so make sure you stay hydrated. Moreover, any digestion issues like diarrhea or vomiting can make you dehydrated, so it’s important to drink even more fluids when you’re sick.

6. Dry Mouth

Not drinking enough water can lead to various health issues. Learn about 9 common signs that indicate you may be dehydrated and need to increase your water intake.
Dry Mouth

It’s pretty obvious. Whenever you feel like your lips are parched, your tongue sticks to your cheeks, and even speaking is difficult, you immediately reach out for a glass of water, tea, or juice. However, sugary drinks won’t help you much. Your body will ask for even more water to metabolize sugar. At first, yes, you will feel refreshed, but the thirst will set in. Choose water instead as the mucous membrane lining the inside of your mouth and throat needs lubricating. The oral cavity is usually described as the mirror of your health; it shows how well and healthful you are. So keep hydrated, folks.”

5. Dark-Colored Urine

Not drinking enough water can lead to various health issues. This article outlines 9 common signs that indicate you may be dehydrated, including constant thirst, dry skin, and dark urine. Learn more about the importance of staying hydrated and how to identify when you need to drink more water.
Dark-Colored Urine

The best way to gauge your hydration levels is through a urine analysis. When someone is dehydrated, their urine appears darker and contains a higher concentration of sediments. This occurs because the body retains small amounts of water and doesn’t release it into the urine, resulting in concentrated waste products like urea. Ideally, urine should be pale yellow. However, remember that other factors such as medications, drinks, and foods can also affect urine color.

Electrolytes, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, are essential minerals that regulate the body’s fluid balance. They carry an electric charge when dissolved in liquid and support nerve and muscle function while maintaining an acid-base balance in the body. Some energy drinks contain significant levels of electrolytes, which, if consumed wisely, can aid in proper hydration and bodily function. Just remember not to overdo it with energy drinks.

4. Headaches

Not drinking enough water can have negative effects on your health. Learn about the signs that indicate you may be dehydrated and need to increase your water intake. Thirst is just one of the many signs to watch out for.

Headaches can be quite a nuisance and have baffled doctors for years. They can stem from various causes, such as sensitivity to certain foods or drinks, stress, or even be a sign of illness. Dehydration is a piece of this puzzle; not drinking enough water can lead to headaches. Even mild dehydration can result in headaches, typically accompanied by symptoms like fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, and dizziness. So when you experience this combination of symptoms, it’s time to pour yourself another glass of water.

If you deal with frequent migraines, consider increasing your water intake, focusing on water over other fluids.

3. Dry Skin

If you're experiencing symptoms like constant thirst, fatigue, dry skin, and headaches, it may be a sign that you're not drinking enough water. Learn about nine common signs and the importance of proper hydration in this article.
Dry Skin

Our skin accounts for approximately 15% of our total body weight, making it our largest organ. The average adult possesses nearly 21 square feet of skin (about 134 meters) and more than 11 miles (around 17.7 kilometers) of blood vessels. Our skin plays a vital role in protecting us from microbes, regulating body temperature, and providing us with the sense of touch. Maintaining hydrated and clean skin is essential.

Dry skin is often one of the earliest signs of inadequate water intake. If you wish to maintain your skin’s elasticity, remember to drink sufficient water. Those who consume ample water are less susceptible to scars, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Healthcare professionals utilize the skin turgor test to assess a person’s hydration level, which you can perform at home. Simply grasp your skin on your lower arm or abdomen with two fingers, then release it after four to five seconds. If your skin is hydrated, it should promptly return to its normal state. However, if you’re not hydrated enough, your skin will remain tinted and take longer to bounce back. If your skin appears dehydrated, have a glass of water and then continue with the video as we move on to the eighth point on our list.

2. Vertigo or Dizziness

Not drinking enough water can have negative effects on your health. Learn about 9 signs that indicate you may be dehydrated and need to increase your water intake. Don't ignore the signs and prioritize your hydration.
Vertigo or Dizziness

You’re probably familiar with that feeling when your head spins, and you seem off balance – that’s vertigo, a severe form of dizziness that can last for days. Surprisingly, dehydration can cause vertigo. When you’re not drinking enough water, you may experience lightheadedness and a spinning sensation when standing up.

Medically, this condition is referred to as orthostatic hypotension, a type of low blood pressure that occurs when you stand up. It can lead to dizziness and lightheadedness, and in severe cases, even fainting. Orthostatic hypotension is more common in older adults, who are also more at risk of dehydration and low blood pressure. However, don’t dismiss these signs if you’re young; severe dehydration can affect anyone. So, sip on that glass of water now to stay well-hydrated.

1. Bad Breath

Not drinking enough water can have negative effects on your health. Learn about 9 signs that indicate you may be dehydrated and need to increase your water intake. Don't ignore the signs and prioritize your hydration.
Bad Breath

Bad breath can have various causes, from consuming garlic to poor oral hygiene, but it can also be linked to dehydration. When you don’t drink enough water, your body can’t produce sufficient saliva. Without enough saliva, bacteria thrive and lead to bad breath. A dry mouth is rarely associated with pleasant smells, so ensure you have a glass of water between meals to wash away food particles.

Always keep in mind that prevention is better than anything. Drink water regularly, not just when you remember or feel thirsty. There are many apps available for your phone that can remind you when it’s time to drink water – consider using them.

Until next time, stay healthy and well-hydrated!


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