
Top 9 Phenomena That Science Couldn’t Explain


Our body experiences all sorts of strange things throughout our life, for example: have you ever heard about a phenomenon known as sleep paralysis, in which you basically can not move or speak, and observe creatures or horrible beings watching you? It sounds scary, does not it?

Many of this phenomena that I am going to show you noware equally frightening and remain a complete mystery to the scientific community. If you want to discover more about this topic… You are very lucky. Because in this article I have prepared for you a compilation with 9 strange phenomena that you will experience someday. Like sleep paralysis! This sounds interesting, right?

 #9 Hysterical Strength

Hysterical Strength is a strange phenomenon in which a person is able to lift objectsthat weigh tons without any problem. Like a car, for example. The little we know about this phenomenon is that it is only activated in situations where your life or that of someone close to you is in imminent danger. Although there are few cases documented throughout history, it is one of the strangest phenomena that humans experience.

I’ll mention a couple of examples in case you do not believe me… In 2006, a 41-year-old Canadian mother named Lydia Angiyou saved the lives of 3 children from the attack of a giant polar bear.

The hysterical strength of this woman was activated allowing her to wrestle with the bearto drive him away, something that under normal conditions would have been impossible . Can you imagine that? But that is not the only case, In 2016, a 19-year-old girl named Charlotte Heffelmire saved the life of her dad who had been trapped under a Pick Up. Charlotte’s hysterical strength was activated from one second to the next allowing her to pick up the Pick Up to release to her father. These are only 2 examples of some cases of hysterical strength that have not been explained to date.

The most accepted theory says that this force over humanis possible thanks to the increase of adrenaline in our body, but to date that theory has not been proven. The interesting thing about this matter is that some experts think that humans are able to access this super strength whenever and wherever we want, even when we do not face situations of life or death,the only problem is that we just have not figured out how to do it. Currently, hysterical strength is one of the most incredible phenomena that a human can experience.

 #8 Out-of-body experience or Astral Projection

The out-of-body experience is a strange phenomenonwhere a person is able to see himself from above or from a horizontal plane.As if you abandoned your physical body and could see yourself live from a remote place. To date, there have not been too many serious scientific studies on this phenomenon ,but it is considered one of the strangest and most mysterious that a human can experience.

In 2014, a group of researchers from the University of Ottawa, studied the brain of a woman who said she could perform this out-of-body at will. And they discovered that her brain underwent several changes from one moment to another. Although with that study they could not confirm if it is possible to leave your physical bodyas affirmed by the people who have experienced it…what they did find were changes in certain areas of the brain responsible for our vision and movement.

Which probably means that this of astral travel is not so farfetched after all. At present, many experts do not rule out the phenomenon, but they still do not explain how it is possible or what actually causes it. There are few cases documented throughout history, the out-of-body experience or astral projectionremains one of the phenomena less known by humans, but if the right conditions are given, you can experience it without any problem.

 #7 Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis usually appears when we wake up or when we begin to fall asleep. It is one of the most common phenomena on this list, but it is also one of the most terrifying that a person can experience. It basically consists in the total inability to move. You can not move, or speak, and what is worse, start to hallucinate very frightening things. Because of its strange characteristics, the dreaded paralysis of sleep is one of the most frightening phenomena that humans experience.

In the past it was believed that this phenomenon was caused by evil spirits or ghosts,or even by beings from other planets. Although it is a very common disorder,since it is estimated that between 50 and 60% of the world population has ever felt it,very little is known about it.

The people who have experienced it ensure that all your muscles freeze, and you can not move or speak no matter how hard you try. The only thing you can move are your eyes! Worst of all, this condition can last up to 3 minutes at most. Being one of the most distressing experiences you can experience in your life,the dreaded paralysis of sleep is one of the rarest phenomena on this list.

 #6Prophetic Dreams

A prophetic dream is basically a dream where you supposedly seesomething that will happen in the future, usually it is related to something very bad, like the death of a loved one or a natural catastrophe. Experts believe that these dreams have no scientific basis, but many people think other wise. Whether true or false, prophetic dreams are of the rarest phenomena that humans feel.One of the first mentions of this phenomenon is in a treatise by Aristotle.

Aristotle believed that prophetic dreams were real, but that it was practically impossible to find a scientific explanation for them. According to his words, the prophetic dreams were a gift from the gods to humans. You may agree with their opinion, or be against it, but what is a reality is that many people have experienced it at least once in their life, prophesying or seeing something in their dream that happened days later. Regardless of whether it is a gift from the gods or not, prophetic dreams are some of the strangest phenomena that remain unexplained.

 #5Feel That You Are Being Observed

Have you ever had the strange feeling that someone is watching you? It is very likely that it is, since it is something that has happened to all of us at some point in our lives. This phenomenon is officially known as the Hawthorne effect And despite being a fairly common phenomenon, we have not found a coherent theory that explains it clearly, how can we be aware that someone is watching us closely, even when that person is behind us or even when we can not see it? It’s weird, is not it? Recent research has shown that our brain is programmed to know it.

This is where the mysterious part comes from,because sometimes this sensation occurs in unusual moments,such as at midnight in your own home, or when we walk on a single, dark avenue. In many of those occasions, it may be that our brain is playing tricks on usas a product of our imagination, but in others, it is likely that someone is watching you even if you are not able to see it. That’s crazy, right?

The few investigations that have been made of this phenomenon have not been able to explain it completely. So, for all the questions that remain unresolved,the Hawthorne effect is considered one of the strangest that humans experience.

 #4Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are all those dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming,and that you even have the ability to control them at your whim. It is estimated that about half of the world’s population has ever had them in their lives. Although they tend to be more frequent during the age of childhood and adolescence.

The interesting thing about this matter is that the scientistsstill do not understand how something like this is possible, realize that you dream and have the ability to control it, that’s why it is considered one of the strangest phenomena that humans experience. The first time these dreams were described was in the year 1913, by the Dutch psychiatrist Frederick Van Eeden.

Since that first time they were mentioned in a scientific document,dozens and dozens of studies and articles about these dreams have been written, but it is still not understood how they really work and what causes them. The magnetic resonances in brains of people who claim to dream lucidly at will, do not show anything out of the ordinary, so it seems that the mystery of lucid dreams remains unresolved. In any case, it is very likely that you will experience it once in your life. If you already experienced it, write me down here in the comments your experience… I want to read it.

 #3Sleep Walking

Sleep walking is a sleep disorder in which a person gets out of bed without being aware of it. You can walk, prepare a meal or even leave your home without even realizing that you are doing it. The next morning, the slee pwalker does not remember anything he did when he got up. What fear, right? The disorder has been studied over the last decades, but it is still one of the strangest that humans experience.It is estimated that sleepwalking affects about 15% of the world’s population. People who suffer from it often perform innocent activities such as moving from one room to another, or preparing some food.

Although there have also been documented cases of murders committed by people in sleep walking state. Being more specific, at least 68 cases are known. Unfortunately, this disorder does not have a definitive cure. The treatments available only partially improve the matter but they do not fix it permanently. Being a super weird phenomenon that has not been fully explained by the scientific community, sleepwalking is one of the strangest experiences that you will sometimes be able to live.

 #2Déjà Vu

The Déjà Vu are basically those momentsin which you have the feeling that you already lived that moment, although in reality it is not like that. It is estimated that at least 75% of the world’s population has lived one or several Déjà Vu throughout their lives, And it’s one of the weirdest feelings that humans feel.

According to neuroscience, Déjà Vu occurs when something in the scene seems familiar, like a sound, a smell, or seeing a particular object. For a fraction of a second our brain tries to remember that object, and we feel the sensation of having lived that moment although we have never done it before. It is a kind of confusion in our brain, to put it in a summary form. Although there are another theory which says that the Déjà Vu are memories of our past life.

We’re supposed to have that feeling when we go back to places we visited in our previous life. That’s crazy, don’t you think? Whatever the correct theory is,the true is that Déjà Vu remains one of the most fascinating unresolved mysteries in human biology.

 #1Hypnic jerk

Have you ever had the sensation of falling over a great abysswhile you are beginning to fall asleep? This phenomenon is officially known as the Hypnic jerk, and is one of the strangest that humans feel. There are not too many studies on these shakes since it is believed that they are nothing to worry about. The experts consider it as a natural part of the process of falling asleep, of going from the state of alert we have when we are awake,to going to the state of sleep relaxation.

Nearly 70% of the world’s population has felt it at least once in their lives. But I think that being one of the ugliest sensations, especially when accompanied by that mini dream in which we fall into a big hole, the Hypnic jerks are the strangest phenomena that humans experience in our lives. And that’s all for today.

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