
7 Cheeses You Should Never Put In Your Body


We all love a good bit of cheese, whether it’s melted into a sandwich or grated over a plate of pasta. And you might have heard that it’s healthy too, right? The problem is not all cheeses are created equally, and some of them can have a seriously negative impact on your health. So, which ones should you avoid?

The answer may go against some of your dietary beliefs and practices but it’s worth considering, as you’re probably eating some of these cheeses regularly. And there’s one, in particular, that’s even worse than the rest. So, make sure you stick around to the end of the video to learn more about that one. Here are 7 kinds of cheese you should avoid!

7. Mascarpone

Mascarpone Cheese

You may have heard of Mascarpone Cheese as it’s one of the ingredients of the classic Italian dessert, tiramisu. But it’s also delicious on fresh fruit. However, the calorie and fat content make it a poor choice. It has a lot more calories than most other types of cheese. It’s also high in saturated fat, which isn’t good for your heart. If you’re looking for a substitute for Mascarpone in recipes, or just want something healthier to eat with dessert, choose Yogurt or Cottage Cheese instead.

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