
5 Vitamins To BOOST COLLAGEN Production (Skin)


Collagen is a protein that keeps your skin looking youthful, healthy and vibrant. Did you know that there are actually 28 types of collagen found in the human body, but the three main types are type I, II, and III. For our skin, type 1 collagen is the most important ingredient, giving the skin it’s strength, and resilience. Collagen works like a type of scaffold, holding the skin cells together and in place.

As we age, we all begin to notice fine lines and wrinkles forming on the skin. This happens due to collagen breakdown, causing the skin to sag and lose its smooth texture. Aging, eating junk foods, alcohol, sugar, smoking, stress and toxins from the environment can all speed up the natural aging process, Causing your skin and collagen to break down faster than it should.

There are certain vitamins and nutritional supplements that you can consume to boost collagen production, and keep your skin looking elastic and youthful well into old age. In this article, we will delve into precisely that topic.

1. Vitamin C

Want to boost collagen production for healthier skin? Discover the top 5 vitamins that can naturally enhance collagen levels and improve your skin's elasticity and overall appearance.

The natural Vitamin C complex found in fruits and vegetables is essential for boosting collagen synthesis. Dosage: 1 Tsp organic camu powder daily. Please avoid the synthetic ascorbic acid supplements however, as these only contain around 5% of the true Vitamin C complex. Camu powder, and other natural sources of Vitamin C from berries, sauerkraut and leafy greens contain the full 100% Vitamin C complex.

Vitamin C nurtures the thin membrane sheet (basement membrane) that sits between the layers of your skin, acting like a foundation or an anchor keeping the skin cells held together and in place. Vitamin C aids in creating new collagen, using the raw building blocks –amino acids – from sources like meat, fish, eggs, and plant proteins.

2. Collagen Peptides

Discover the top 5 vitamins that can help boost collagen production and promote healthy, youthful-looking skin. Learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine for maximum benefits.

You can also provide your body with the raw materials to build more collagen for healthier skin. Dosage: 1-2 scoops of (10-20g) hydrolysed bovine collagen daily. Feel free to mix this with the camu powder, in your morning coffee, water or a smoothie. This tasteless, odourless powder provides all 19 essential amino acids which your body uses as raw material to build new type I, III and IV collagen in your skin, joints, hair, nails etc…

Derived from animal connective tissues or fish bones, these peptides are broken-down forms of collagen, making them easier to absorb. Their small structure allows them to enter the bloodstream faster which prompts your body to produce more natural collagen.

3. Cod Liver Oil

Discover the top 5 vitamins that can help boost collagen production and promote healthy, youthful-looking skin. Learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine for maximum benefits.

When it comes to nourishing the skin and building collagen, virgin cod liver oil is an absolute powerhouse of nutrients. It’s the richest natural source of retinol (active Vitamin A) The most effective anti-aging nutrient which activates certain genes (RAR) that trigger collagen synthesis. It also clears up acne, skin irritation, dandruff, dry eyes and sinus problems because it supports oil production on the outer and inner skin of the body.

Dosage: 1 tsp virgin cod liver oil (Nordic/Icelandic) daily. Taking 1 teaspoon of raw virgin cod liver oil daily is the best way to nourish your body with active Vitamin A. Furthermore, cod liver oil is also rich in EPA and DHA, the main omega 3-fatty acids that hydrate the skin and reduce inflammation, to prevent free radicals from causing your collagen to break down too quickly as you age.

4. Trace Minerals

Looking to boost collagen production for healthier, more youthful-looking skin? Discover 5 essential vitamins that can help promote collagen synthesis and improve your skin's overall appearance.

When diving into the world of skin heath, many people overlook the importance of trace minerals. Often overshadowed by more famous nutrients, zinc, copper and silica quietly work their magic beneath your skin, Acting as a fuel for enzymes that are directly responsible for collagen production.

Daily Dosage: Zinc: 8mg – 11mg; Copper: 1mg – 2mg; Silica: 10mg – 25mg Here you can see the standard recommended dosages for the trace minerals, These figures offer some guidance, however the best way to get them is by consuming foods like kelp, nori, spirulina, shellfish, beef, salmon, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and vegetables.

By doing so you are fortifying your skin’s defence, ensuring it stands strong against time, elements and free radical damage. Copper in particular is a natural part of Vitamin C complex (tyrosinase) which also strengthens the collagen in your joints Such as the discs of your back, and the tendons and cartilage in your knees, hips shoulders etc..

5. Tocotrienols (Vitamin E)

Looking to boost collagen production for healthier, more youthful-looking skin? Discover 5 essential vitamins that can help promote collagen synthesis and improve your skin's overall appearance.

When it comes to aging gracefully, Vitamin E is also vitally important in protecting and securing the structure of your collagen and skin. Vitamin E protects against collagen loss especially in women post-menopause by boosting the output of pituitary hormones. You can get this naturally by consuming extra virgin olive oil, avocados, sunflower seeds and almonds.

However there is a rarer form of Vitamin E called tocotrienols which are extracted from the seeds of a tropical tree called achiote. This is an incredibly potent antioxidant which can help to break down thick, fibrous scar tissue, That may be making your skin less supple, rougher and weaker. Dosage 50-100mg tocotrienols daily. Feel free to use a mixture of these remedies on a daily basis to help boost collagen and protect collagen in your skin as you age.

Please be aware that you can take supplements all day long, but if you are eating the wrong foods and you have an unhealthy lifestyle, these can all hinder your efforts. So you have to start fixing the root causes of collagen breakdown by correcting your lifestyle habits.

Lifestyle tips to boost collagen:

Now that we have discussed the most important nutritional supplements that can boost collagen, Let’s explore some additional lifestyle tips that you can use to boost collagen production for healthy skin.

1. Cut down on grain based foods which contain phytic acid such as as flour, bread, cereal, pancakes, biscuits etc… These deplete your minerals and Vitamin C, speeding up the aging process by causing oxidative damage.

2. Manage your stress levels by taking a 20 minute walk in fresh air at least once per day, without speaking or listening to devices. Regular exercise improves oxygen and blood flow to the skin to maintain youthful collagen. Try to also get at least 8 hours of sleep and your skin will thank you for it.

3. If you have digestive problems (IBD, Acid Reflux, Bloating etc..) start taking a daily digestive enzyme supplement which contains ox bile. This will help to repair the gut, support digestion and eliminate inflammation. For a cheaper option opt for 1-2tbsp apple cider vinegar daily in water.

4. Ensure you consume a minimum of 1 liter of mineral water daily. Well hydrated skin helps it appear smoother, plumper and less prone to fine lines, especially around the corners of the mouth.

5. Consider intermittent fasting, eating all of your calories in a 6 hour window and fasting for 18 hours per day. This stimulates autophagy, where your body cleans and recycles old dead proteins and makes new collagen out of it

6. Avoid alcohol, tobacco smoke, vaping and excessive sun exposure as much as possible to protect collagen long term.


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