
11 Nutrients For your nerves (Neuropathy)


2. Omega 3-s (DHA)

Secondly when it comes to the nerves and brain, there may be nothing better than DHA, a type of omega 3 fatty acid. DHA is essential for the development of healthy nerve cells, neurons and the entire structure of the nervous system. This omega-3 Is basically the raw material used to build your nerve cells, and can also help to repair nerve damage by lowering inflammation throughout your body. It’s also used to relieve muscle pain, joint pain and soreness as well. The best sources of DHA and Omega-3s are fatty fish like wild caught salmon, sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. You can also get this from eating shellfish and eggs. If you wish to take a supplement, I recommend either Arctic Krill Oil or Icelandic Virgin Cod Liver Oil. These are the highest quality and less likely to turn rancid.

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