
10 Amazing BENEFITS of Taurine


Taurine is an amino acid that offers numerous health benefits. Explore the top 10 amazing benefits of taurine and how it can improve your overall well-being.

Taurine is a very important amino acid which is found within trillions cells inside your body. For example taurine is used heavily in cells of your heart, its used by the friendly bacteria in your gut, it supports the nervous system and the brain, and so much more. Human breast milk is the richest natural source of taurine, as its vital for the growth and development of a child. As we get older, our bodies can naturally start to make taurine on its own. However if you have had any type of trauma, surgery, liver disease, gut problems, take medications or consume alcohol. It’s likely that you will have less taurine than you need.

In this article we explore the 10 unique benefits of taurine, it’s sources and how you can boost your taurine levels using natural methods.

Cleaning The Liver

Taurine is a key ingredient used by your liver to make bile, which is then stored and concentrated in your gallbladder. This liquid acts like a detergent helping to clean fat out of the liver, and breaking down toxins and poisons into small harmless particles Such as alcohol, medications, heavy metals etc… If you have liver disease or gallbladder problems, Taking a supplement purified ox bile is an excellent way to boost your taurine.

Energy Production

There are little powerhouses inside your cells called mitochondria, which generate energy (ATP) Taurine helps to protect these cells against damage by stabilizing the membrane around them. It also helps the body to generate new, healthy mitochondria (biogenesis) when you exercise and build muscle cells. Athletes often supplement with taurine to help boost their energy levels when building muscle, as it can also help to reduce muscle cramps.

Eye Health

Taurine is absolutely essential for keeping the cells in the back of your eye (retina) healthy and stable. A deficiency in this can lead to eye diseases like retinopathy, macular degeneration and even blindness. Cats for example cannot make taurine and must get it from their food, without it they go blind, which is why cat food is often fortified with taurine.

Luckily human bodies can make it, but many people become deficient because of underlying health problems i.e diabetes or insulin resistance. Taking a regular supplement of ox bile or TUDCA and help to support healthy eyes by supplying taurine, and also by helping to activate Vitamin A (retinol) inside the liver.

Preventing Leaky Gut

Taurine is also very important in strengthening the cell walls in your intestines (tight junctions) This helps to prevent harmful toxins from leaking into your blood, and triggering autoimmune diseases (i.e.. Hypothyroidism, Crohn’s disease, arthritis etc..) As a component of bile, taurine also lubricates the colon and helps food waste to pass through, and also feeds some of the friendly bacteria in your gut to help your body break down fiber and starches. One study also showed that taurine can reduce allergies to milk, through the action of improving the health of the gut.

Easing Neck/Shoulder Pain

If you develop tightness, stiffness or pain around your right shoulder, you likely have a congested gallbladder. This means that your bile is not flowing properly, and is becoming thicker causing inflammation. This inflammation puts pressure on the phrenic nerve which runs up to the muscles on the right side of your shoulder. Taking taurine from a bile supplement, can help to thin out the bile, Reducing pain around the neck and shoulders or ribcage, and also helping to dissolve small gallstones that may be forming within the gallbladder.

Reducing Stress

Another interesting benefit of taurine is its ability to reduce cortisol and epinephrin (adrenaline) in the body. This can be helpful for those of you who suffer from stress, anxiety or emotional tension. and it may also help to reduce high blood pressure in these people. Energy drinks have extremely high levels of the stimulant caffeine which can be dangerous for blood pressure. It’s my personal opinion that manufacturers add taurine to energy drinks to lower or mask the dangers of the caffeine that they add. If you want to get extra taurine in your diet, get it from a supplement or get the precursors from food. AVOID the dangerous energy drinks.

Stop Ringing In Ears

Many people suffer from tinnitus, a high pitched ringing sound in the ears that cannot be explained. Taking a small dose of taurine helps to activate GABA receptors in the brain, Which can inhibit these high pitched noises in the auditory pathway. Improving blood sugar and insulin sensitivity

Improves Blood Sugars

Taurine also acts a very powerful antioxidant which can help prevent or reverse damage in the pancreas. This is excellent for those with prediabetes or diabetes as it helps to make insulin more sensitive, The hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. By improving how insulin works, it helps to prevent angiotensin from building up and triggering high blood pressure and heart disease.

Reproductive Health

By improving the production of bile in your liver and gallbladder, Taurine also helps the body to absorb and recycle cholesterol, a very important ingredient used to make sex hormones. Like testosterone and estrogen. Studies show that taurine improves the connection between the brain and testicles in men for healthier sperm production.

Supports Brain Health

Taurine is found abundantly in the human brain where it helps to regulate the use of calcium, So that your brain can send signals, and helping you to think clearly. It helps to prevent the formation of B-amyloid plaque which is linked with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and mood disorders, however research is still ongoing. By enhancing how GABA works in your brain, taurine may effectively reduce seizures for those with epilepsy Taurine from a bile supplement can both prevent and aid the recovery from stroke.

Sources Of Taurine (Supplements & Foods)

To boost your intake of taurine, I would recommend that you avoid energy drinks as this is usually a highly chemically processed version, Which comes packaged with artificial sweeteners and dangerously high doses of caffeine. Instead you may boost your intake of taurine by taking a supplement containing purified ox bile or TUDCA.

These supplements are designed to improve your digestion, but your body is able to reabsorb the taurine and use it for other functions. 1-3 capsules of ox bile (500mg) per day is an option. Alternatively you can simply get your taurine from whole foods:

Scallops (827mg per 100g) Turkey (306mg per 100g)
Seaweed (1300mg per 100g) Squid (240mg per 100g)
Chicken Liver (110mg per 100g) Beef (43mg per 100g)

Other sources with varying amounts of taurine include cod, tuna, clams, oysters, mussels, dairy, beef hearts/livers, and rabbit. If you have any underlying health conditions, have undergone surgery, suffer from anxiety, digestive disorders or autoimmune diseases. Getting more taurine in your diet may definitely improve your quality of life.


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